A few idioms you might use later:
Es tarde - It is late.
más adelante - later on
llegar tarde - to be late. Por ejemplo: No quiero llegar tarde a la fiesta.
"Más vale tarde que nunca." Better late than never.
Teri Coppedge teaches Spanish using TPRS methodology (TPRS = Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) in Ashland, Oregon. Posts from her current and previous classes appear here, as well as information on how to take lively Spanish lessons in Ashland, Oregon, as part of OLLI at Southern Oregon University.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Un pensamiento...
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
OLLI Classes for Winter, 2013
There are two classes being offered in January at OLLI at SOU, Ashland. They are both called "refresher" classes because they will be short, only four sessions each, and will give you just a little practice and some new vocabulary and grammar.
The Beginners Class, January 21-31, 9-10:30 a.m., is planned for real beginners. If you've taken one of my beginners classes, please join us again. If you took Spanish in high school and never touched it again except at Mexican restaurants, please join us. But, if you got through some college classes, even 50 years ago, please sign up for the Intermediate class instead.
The Intermediates Class, January 7-16, 3:30- 5:00 p.m., is intended for students who have some working knowledge of Spanish. You do not need to know how to conjugate verbs in past and present tenses. You should have some ability to express yourself in basic ways and be ready to enjoy reviving the knowledge you gained earlier in life (like last summer or 50 years ago.) It is amazing how much comes back, so give it a try. Of course, students in my previous intermediate classes are encouraged to join us. We always have new stories!
Both classes will teach the students who are there at whatever level they may be. I try to pace the class to meet the needs of all the students, but it is generally more comfortable for everyone if the real beginners do not feel left behind by more advanced students.
If you're not sure where you fit, take a look at the notes under the tab "Current OLLI Classes" on this blog. Scroll down a ways and read through some notes from both classes and consider how well you understand the vocabulary and stories. The stories were written by me with help from the classes. You will not be expected to understand every word nor to produce stories at this level on your own (although I know some of you can!)
If you're still not sure, give me a call or e-mail. ¡Vamos a hablar español!
The Beginners Class, January 21-31, 9-10:30 a.m., is planned for real beginners. If you've taken one of my beginners classes, please join us again. If you took Spanish in high school and never touched it again except at Mexican restaurants, please join us. But, if you got through some college classes, even 50 years ago, please sign up for the Intermediate class instead.
The Intermediates Class, January 7-16, 3:30- 5:00 p.m., is intended for students who have some working knowledge of Spanish. You do not need to know how to conjugate verbs in past and present tenses. You should have some ability to express yourself in basic ways and be ready to enjoy reviving the knowledge you gained earlier in life (like last summer or 50 years ago.) It is amazing how much comes back, so give it a try. Of course, students in my previous intermediate classes are encouraged to join us. We always have new stories!
Both classes will teach the students who are there at whatever level they may be. I try to pace the class to meet the needs of all the students, but it is generally more comfortable for everyone if the real beginners do not feel left behind by more advanced students.
If you're not sure where you fit, take a look at the notes under the tab "Current OLLI Classes" on this blog. Scroll down a ways and read through some notes from both classes and consider how well you understand the vocabulary and stories. The stories were written by me with help from the classes. You will not be expected to understand every word nor to produce stories at this level on your own (although I know some of you can!)
If you're still not sure, give me a call or e-mail. ¡Vamos a hablar español!
Monday, October 29, 2012
El día de los muertos, el 31 de octubre - 2 de noviembre
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"La Catrina," possibly the most famous image of Día de los Muertos, by José Guadalupe Posada. |
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People decorate and visit the cemetery to welcome their loved ones. |
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Un altar en la casa |
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Violinista |
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Comprehensible Spanish novels!
I have just posted a list of short Spanish novels, written for students, on the Resources for Students page. They are available for $6.00 each from www.BlaineRayTPRS.com or from TPRS Publishing, at www.TPRStorytelling.com. Some are at both sites, others may be found at only one. They are appropriate for beginning to intermediate students. Some are written in the past tense, some in the present, and a few are available in both versions under one cover! Take a look, buy a few, read them and then share with other students.
The SOU Bookstore will be getting some of these for you to buy soon.
The SOU Bookstore will be getting some of these for you to buy soon.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Current OLLI beginners' class extended
We have added two more classes to the Fall 2012 Beginners' Class at OLLI in Ashland. They will be at the same time and place, OLLI Room C, Tuesday and Thursday, 9 - 10:30. The new dates will be November 6 and 8. So instead of ending as planned on Nov. 1, our last date will be Nov. 8.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Basic vocabulary
These may not be the words you learn in class, but when you need them, you need them!
el inodoro, el excusado, el retrete - toilet
el lavabo - sink (in a bathroom, for washing hands)
el papel higiénico - toilet paper
el grifo - faucet
Of course, there are euphemisms: el baño (which means the bath, literally) or los servicios.
el inodoro, el excusado, el retrete - toilet
el lavabo - sink (in a bathroom, for washing hands)
el papel higiénico - toilet paper
el grifo - faucet
Of course, there are euphemisms: el baño (which means the bath, literally) or los servicios.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Intermediate class continues
One of the words that came up at break time (descanso) was "snack." I looked it up on www.wordreference.com and found an amazing variety of expressions, varying by country, time of day, type of food, reason for eating! ¡Caramba!
So - try one or more of these:
So - try one or more of these:
- el tentempié,
- el refrigerio,
- una botana,
- un bocado,
- un bocadillo (which means sandwich in Spain, but the kind with big hunks of bread and a chunk of food inside, not the sliced white bread type, which is called a "sandwich"),
- una merienda (en España, a media tarde solamente, antes de la cena)
- "Please bring a snack to share" - "Favor de traer (Por favor traiga) un platillo (un pequeño plato, un refrigerio, un bocadillo) para compartir."
- mid-morning snack -- un bocado de media mañana (la hora del bocadillo can mean a mid-morning work break in some places)
- bedtime snack - picoteo nocturno (España) o merienda nocturna (Puerto Rico)
- cherries - las cerezas
- cantaloupe - el melón
- cookies - galletas (dulces)
- crackers - galletas saladas (salty or savory)
- strawberries - las fresas
- raspberries - las frambuesas
- blackberries - las moras
- olives - las aceitunas
- olive tree - el olivo
- olive oil - aceite de oliva
- pear - la pera
- pear tree - el peral
- apple - la manzana
- apple tree - el manzano
Monday, July 30, 2012
New class started today!
A group of intermediate students gathered today to continue learning Spanish. We discussed what we did during vacation and told a short story about a Spanish princess and French prince, both escaping "la vida loca" in their home countries by living in Ashland.
See the notes and a similar story at the "Current Class" tab.
See the notes and a similar story at the "Current Class" tab.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
El mole poblano
¿Qué es el mole poblano? Y ¿por qué se llama así? Lee este artículo del Spanish Institute of Puebla "¡Este es mi mero mole!" y después busca un buen restaurante para probarlo.
Spanish Institute of Puebla tiene mucha información interesante y útil
para ayudarte a aprender español. Explora su sitio web

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
¿Ballenas en el desierto del Perú?
Geologists are finding fossils of whales miles from the coast. They are buried in the sands of the desert near Ocucaje, south of Lima, north of Nazca. Read more.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Another trail to Machu Picchu
Another trail parallel to the traditional trail from Cusco to near Machu Picchu has been discovered recently. These "trails" were constructed more like roads and you can still walk on them in many places throughout the ancient Inca empire. Read the story:
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
New class coming up!
After several students requested more classes, I will be offering an intensive week of Spanish lessons for intermediate students.
Join us the week of July 30 - August 3, 2012 -- Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3:00-5:00 pm each day.
Tuition: $60 per student for the series. Location to be determined - but it will be in Ashland.
or call me, (get number from OLLI) even if you already sent me an e-mail. I need to know how many students are really planning and able to attend this session.
Thanks for your interest and ideas!
Join us the week of July 30 - August 3, 2012 -- Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3:00-5:00 pm each day.
Tuition: $60 per student for the series. Location to be determined - but it will be in Ashland.
Please sign up by sending me an e-mail at
Thanks for your interest and ideas!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Continuing classes?
If you would like to continue studying Spanish as a follow-up to the OLLI class that just finished up today, Friday, 29 June, please leave me a comment here or write to Teri@SpanishByStories.com. Gracias.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
New OLLI class has started
Take a look at the "Current OLLI Class" page to see the latest information, palabras del día, and cuentos. I've also started a new Canciones / Songs /Música page.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Se rompió un violonchelo Stradivarius en el Palacio Real
Las noticias desde España, el 7 de mayo de 2012 (07/05/2012)
(Can you read this news article? It could make a great story. ¿Por qué se cayó?)

Un violonchelo Stradivarius del Palacio Real de Madrid se rompió accidentalmente, informó el lunes Patrimonio Nacional de España.
La causa del accidente no se hizo pública. Patrimonio Nacional, dependiente de la presidencia del Gobierno, declinó comentar los reportes de prensa que apuntaban a que el chelo cayó de una mesa durante una sesión fotográfica hace tres semanas.
El daño al instrumento del siglo XVII fue sustancial. La pieza que une el cuello con el cuerpo del chelo —conocida técnicamente como vástago— se rompió y quedó separada del resto del instrumento.
Patrimonio Nacional no precisó el valor de este violenchelo, que según expertos ronda los 20 millones de dólares.
se rompió - was broken (it broke itself)
no se hizo - was not made (did not make itself)
daño - damage
une - unites
quedó - remained
según - according to
ronda - is about
(Can you read this news article? It could make a great story. ¿Por qué se cayó?)

Un violonchelo Stradivarius del Palacio Real de Madrid se rompió accidentalmente, informó el lunes Patrimonio Nacional de España.
La causa del accidente no se hizo pública. Patrimonio Nacional, dependiente de la presidencia del Gobierno, declinó comentar los reportes de prensa que apuntaban a que el chelo cayó de una mesa durante una sesión fotográfica hace tres semanas.
El daño al instrumento del siglo XVII fue sustancial. La pieza que une el cuello con el cuerpo del chelo —conocida técnicamente como vástago— se rompió y quedó separada del resto del instrumento.
Patrimonio Nacional no precisó el valor de este violenchelo, que según expertos ronda los 20 millones de dólares.
se rompió - was broken (it broke itself)
no se hizo - was not made (did not make itself)
daño - damage
une - unites
quedó - remained
según - according to
ronda - is about
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
El tiempo entre costuras / The Time in Between, un libro estupendo
I just finished reading this book en español by María Dueñas, a Spanish writer and professor, and cannot recommend it highly enough. It has been translated into English, so choose which version you prefer. As Mario Vargas Llosa says, "una novela maravillosa, con intriga, amor, misterio y ternura." It takes you from pre-Civil War Madrid to Tangier and Tetuán in the Spanish Protectorate of Marruecos, back to Madrid and on. Don't want to give anything away, but I just couldn't stop telling anyone and everyone how great this book is, even before I finished it. (Reading it also taught me several new words in Spanish!) Beautifully written, great story, wonderful characters...Read it!
Monday, May 7, 2012
¿Celebraste el Cinco de Mayo? ¿Por qué?
¿Por qué se celebra el Cinco de Mayo?
NO marca la Independencia de México.
La Independencia se celebra el 16 de septiembre.
La Batalla de Puebla |
breve historia:
una vez, en un lugar bonito y no muy lejos de aquí, que el gobierno del país no
tenía bastante dinero. México
había luchado (had fought) una guerra de independencia contra España y por fin ganó en 1821.
Después había muchos problemas y luchas, por ejemplo, la Guerra contra
los Estados Unidos (1846-1848) y otras batallas en 1858. Durante esa época, México pidió dinero
de varias naciones, incluyendo España, Inglaterra y Francia. Ya en 1862, Francia demandaba que
México regresara su dinero. México
no podía. No tenía el dinero.
III de Francia quería el dinero y también quería establecer su imperio en
México, así que invadió el país en la ciudad de Veracruz. El presidente Abraham Lincoln de los
Estados Unidos quería ayudar a México, pero no podía porque estaba muy ocupado
con su propia Guerra Civil.
franceses tenían un ejército muy grande y bien equipado, con 6500
soldados. En su marcha hacia la
Ciudad de México, ellos encontraron la resistencia muy fuerte cerca de la
ciudad de Puebla. Bajo el general
Ignacio Zaragoza, los 4500 soldados mexicanos ganaron la batalla.
victoria en Puebla fue (was) un momento de gloria para
México. Pero más tarde, Napoleón
III mandó 30,000 más soldados. Era el mejor ejército del mundo. Los franceses ganaron la guerra contra
los mexicanos e instalaron como Emperador al duque Maximiliano de Austria con
su esposa Carlota.
Pobre Maximiliano. A él y a
Carlota les gustaba México, pero los mexicanos no querían tener un emperador
francés. Los Estados Unidos ayudaban a México, y después de tres años de
resistencia, los mexicanos terminaron el dominio francés y mataron a
Maximiliano y a su esposa en la ciudad de Querétaro en 1867.
Hoy en
día (nowadays) la
fiesta del Cinco de Mayo se celebra con mucho entusiasmo en Puebla, pero no es
tan (so)
popular en otras partes de México. En los Estados Unidos es cada vez más
popular como una celebración de la cultura mexicana, con desfiles, comida,
bebidas y música mexicana. ¡Viva México!
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