Sunday, October 15, 2017

Escucha la música para aprender español

Take a look at this post by FluentU another source of language learning.  They suggest some fine Spanish-language songs.  It's fun to listen and find your own favorites.  Personally, I've always liked the group Maná, and I'm thrilled to find a song of theirs on this post.

Incidentally, if you're looking for the lyrics to almost any song in Spanish, look for "letra" + name of the song.  I've posted the "letra" for Mana's song, Mi verdad, in the Música section of this blog.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Fall 2017 OLLI class starting soon

My latest Spanish class at OLLI starts this coming Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 1:00 pm at the SOU Campbell Center.  It's for Real Beginners, those with absolutely no knowledge of Spanish except for maybe "tequila, por favor."  We'll be telling stories together in an active environment, with participation from everyone.  Notes from the class will be posted in the OLLI classes 2017 section of this blog.  Hasta luego.